In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn some basic Polish phrases.
The first phrase is "I'd like to make an appointment to see a dentist." In Polish this is "Chce sie umowic na wizyte u dentysty."
Next phrase is "Can I come this afternoon?"
In Polish this is "Czy moge przyjsc dzisiaj po poludniu."
Next phrase is "I don't feel very well."
In Polish this is "Zle sie czuje."
Next is "I have a headache."
In Polish this is "Boli mnie glowa."
All of these phrases are read aloud...
In this video from AbcSchoolOfPolish we learn various phrases that you can use to compliment your partner. The phrases are read out loud in Polish twice and shown on the screen so you can learn them. Here are the phrases we learn:
You are handsome.
Jestes przystojny
Your eyes are so beautiful.
Masz takie piekne oczy
I like your gorgeous smile.
Podoba mi sie twoj sliczny usmiech
Can I hold your hand?
Czy moge trzymac Cie za reke?
Can I kiss you?
Czy moge Cie...
Have you ever wanted to order coffee in another language? Well if you have, this is the video for you! When watching, make sure your audio is turned up so you can hear exactly how the phrases are said in Polish. Listen to the voice and get the different parts of the word down right so you have the correct sounds. If you don't have this right, you can end up saying a totally different phrase. Practice this a lot and then when you learn how to say it, you can speak it with ease! Have fun and...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say Merry Christmas in Polish. First, you will need to listen to the video while you are watching the words go onto the screen. Practice saying each of the words individually out loud and then put them together. If it's hard at first, break the words up into separate parts and then try to say them whatever way is easiest for you. Once you get these together, you will have said "Merry Christmas" in Polish! Enjoy saying the words in this beautiful language and...
Do you want to ask a girl out but she speaks Polish? If so, this is the right video for you! Turn your speakers up and listen as the speaker will tell you the right phrase to teach you how to ask a girl out! Repeat after the speaker and make sure you are saying all the phrases with the correct tone and dialect. Practice makes perfect, so just keep at it and you will have it in no time! Once you learn how to ask a girl out, you will be able to learn more words and maybe even have a conversation...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say basic phrases in Polish: "may I use...". Listen to the video and read the text as you practice saying each of these phrases. It's important to get the accent down right, or you can be saying a totally different word or phrase than you mean to. If you use these everyday, you will become more familiar with the answers you get to the questions as well! Just make sure you practice and go slow with these, no rush. Once you learn these, you will open your mind up...
In this video, we learn how to say basic phrases in Polish: "can I help you". If you want to learn this language, you should first turn the audio up on your computer. After this, you will need to repeat after the speaker and say the phrases out loud. The more you practice saying the phrase in Polish, the better you will get at it. Once you learn how to say "can I help you", you will be on your way to saying more and more things in this beautiful language! Just take your time and you'll have it...
In this video, we learn how to make an appointment in Polish. When you are learning these different phrases, make sure you have your audio turned up so you can hear how the speaker is saying the words. These may not be said how you think they are in your head. Make sure to get the accent down right so you aren't saying a completely different phrase to someone. After you learn how to say these basic phrases, you will be able to make an appointment! Incorporate some of the words into everyday...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say basic phrases in polish: "help" & "how much". While watching this video, you will want to pay attention to how each of the phrases are said. The different words are said in different ways by people that have the right dialects and accents. As you continue to learn the different phrases, you will be able to have small conversations with those who truly speak the language! Incorporate this into larger sentences, then you will be able to have larger...
In this video, we learn how to say the months of the year in Polish. To say January, you will say "Styczen in Polish. February is "luty", March is "marzec", April is "kwiecien", May is "maj", June is "czerwiec", July is "lipiec", August is "sierpien", September is "wrzesien", October is "pazdziernik", November is "listopad", and December is "Grudzien". Practice saying these out loud while you are watching the video so you get a good idea for how the words are supposed to sound when they are...
Polish has several unique sounds, letters and pronunciation rules that can confuse English-speakers who are trying to learn how to speak the language. A useful video for anyone trying to decipher Polish letters and pronounce Polish words.
If you're booking a trip to Poland, you'll need to reserve a hotel room. This tutorial goes over several questions and phrases you'll want to ask when you book your room, such as pricing, meal availability and directions. This video teaches you how to spell as well as pronounce these words and phrases.
Are you taking a trip to Poland? Or just going to a Polish restaurant? This video goes through many common Polish foods (such as beet soup, cod, trout, pork chops and salmon) and gives you a pronunciation and spelling guide for each one.
In this tutorial, we learn how to count to 100 in Polish. You will start with "jeden" which means one, then move on to the rest of the numbers. It's very important to take your time when you are learning each individual number, so that you know how the accent should sound and you know how to say it properly in different sentences. It will be extremely helpful if you try and listen to an audio recording while you are saying the numbers so that you learn exactly how to say it. Continue to learn...
In this tutorial, we learn how to buy Polish train tickets in polish. To say "I'd like 2 tickets for the intercity to Poznan", you would say "Poproze dwa bilety na InterCity do Poznania". To say "first or second class?", you will say "Pierwsza czy druga klasa". To say second you will say "druga" and to say smoking or non smoking you would ask "Dla palacych czy niepalacych". Knowing these can help you purchase train or bus tickets if you are traveling abroad. Although you will want to practice...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say words and phrases related to dating in Polish. "Czy umowisz sie ze mna" means "would you like to go out with me". So, if you want to ask someone out on a date, that is how you would do it! "Czy chcesz pojechac do kina" means "would you like to go to the movies". To say, "I like you very much", you will say "bardzo cie lubie". To tell a woman that she is beautiful, you would say "jestes piekna". Finally, to ask someone if you can kiss them, say "czy moge cie...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say different words in Polish. If you want to say "double room with a bathroom", you would say, "pokoj dwuosobowy z tazienka" in Polish. To just say "double room", you would say "pokoj dwuosobowy" in Polish. Finally, to just say bathroom, you would say "tazienka". Use several resources to make sure you have the pronunciation of these words correctly. This language is very difficult to learn, so you will have to learn how to pronounce the letters before you can...
Learn how to say "Good night" in Polish in simple and easy steps. 1. First find out the correct Polish word for the English word "Good night" which is "dobranac". 2. Now spell out Polish correctly without any spelling mistakes. 3. Try to speak out the word slowly and ensure you pronounce the Polish word exactly. 4. Practice it a few times until you pronounce it correctly without any mistakes.
Learn how to say common greetings & phrases in Polish. In this video, learn how to say "good morning" or "good afternoon", "hi", "goodbye", "bye", "bye bye", "goodnight", "same to you", "how are you?", "fine, thank you", "not too good", "so-so", "and you?" and how to ask "what's your name?" "where are you from?" and more.
This short video will teach you how to say "jacket" in the Polish language. To learn how to say the word "jacket" in the Polish language follow this short video. The word in Polish for "jacket" is "marynarka". Repeat the word slowly a number of times to help you to memorize it. You have to say ma-ri-nar-ka.
Follow this video which will teach you some words in the Polish language very easily. This video will guide you through the words and phrases in Polish you will likely use when you visit a restaurant. To say the phrase "in the restaurant" in Polish you have to say "W restauracji". To ask for the menu when you are at the restaurant you have to say "Czy mozna prosic karte?". When the waiter asks you what he will bring you to eat or drink he would say "Slucham, co dla Panstwa?" in Polish. An...
Learn how to say and spell out "hello" in Polish. This is a quick twelve minute video which shows the spelling and says the pronunciation of the word "hello" in the Polish language. This steps and/ or guidelines would show the easiest way to pronounce the word hello in the Polish language. The English word hello is translated as "Czesc‡" in the Polish language. The spelling may look like an easy word to pronounce but in reality, the pronunciation is different from the spelling of this word....
Learn to say three romantic phrases in Polish, such as "I love you", "You love me", and "We love each other". When it comes to learning key phrases in different languages, nothing beats good old fashioned repetition. Speak the phrases one at a time, one after the other. Then repeat, as often as necessary, until you get them correct. Don't worry if you mess up, keep going! It can take some time to get it right.
This video will teach you basic and useful words in Polish. The video sets out the word used for 'drink' in the Polish language. The word in Polish is 'napoj'. To learn the word listen to it and repeat it a number of times. This will help you to memorize it. Spell it out as na-poj. Visit the website to learn more Polish words.
Learn how to say "TV set" in Polish from this video in simple steps. First find out the Polish word for "TV set" in Polish language which is "telewizor". Now spell out the Polish word carefully without any mistakes. Speak out the Polish word slowly and keep trying until you pronounce it correctly. Now try to speak the word fast and practice until you are good enough.
In this short language tutorial, learn how to say a variety of words in Polish and practice your pronunciation by pausing the video. Words covered in this video include: big, small, cheap, expensive, difficult, easy, hot, quick, slow, early and more.
How else are you going to delight the people of Poland without telling them how wonderful everything is? In this language tutorial, learn how to say various things are good... including yourself. Phrases include: "good computer", "good husband", "good tea" and much more.
Learn how to tell people your throat is quenched and your belly is rumbling. Learn how to say "I'm sorry" and "I'm hungry" in Polish. Practice the correct pronunciation by stopping and pausing this short language tutorial!
It's important to be able to convey to someone that you are feeling ill in their language. In this video, learn how to say "I'm sick" in Polish, as well as "I'm hungry" and "I'm tired". Study & learn the correct pronunciation by stopping and pausing this short language tutorial to practice!
Anytime you leave the country for a country that speaks another language, it's important to learn the phrase, "I'm lost". Learn how to say that, along with other phrases that will help you on your journey such as "How much?" and "What does that mean?". Work on your Polish pronunciation by repeating this short video until you get it down right.
Learn some basic phrases in Polish with help from this video on Polish survival phrases. Survive in Poland knowing how to say such phrases as "Where?", "What?" and "What is this?". Work on your pronunciation by repeating the video, until you get it down pat!
Be kind to people on your trip to Poland by learning how to greet people in the streets! In this video, learn how to say "good morning", "good evening", and "nice to meet you" in Polish & the correct pronunciation for each. Before you know it, you may win over the entire country!
Before you go to Poland on the vacation of a lifetime, you should first learn some basic words & phrases, like "yes", "no", and "excuse me". In this video, learn those phrases and the correct pronunciation for each.
Before you embark your journey to Poland, first learn some manners! In this "basic survival Polish lesson" learn how to say such phrases in Polish as: "please", "thank you", and "that's alright".
Before you leave for your trip to Poland, it's important to learn basic survival phrases to get around better. In this instructional video, learn how to say "hi" and "please repeat" in the Polish language.
On your trip to Poland, be sure to know you armed with the language skills to get around. In this instructional video, learn how to ask where a bus is headed, and how to pronounce it correctly in Polish.
Yes, it's right. It's totally boiling in your classroom. Impress your teacher (or be a smart ass), by asking if you can open the window in Polish. In this video, learn how to ask "May I open the window?" and how to pronounce it correctly in the Polish native tongue.
Send your friends & family a "kartka pocztowa" from Poland! A what? A postcard. In this video, learn the Polish word for "postcard" (which translates to "kartka pocztowa") and how to pronounce it correctly in the Polish native tongue.
Get back from your trip to Poland in time for work on Monday! To do so, you might just need to talk to your airline about how that fourteen hour delay just isn't going to work for you. In this video, learn the Polish word for "flight" (which translates to "lot") and how to pronounce it correctly.
Before your trip to Poland, learn how to say the most important words and phrases that might come in handy. In this video, learn the Polish word for "shower" and how to pronounce it correctly.
In Poland, you will eat... and you will eat well. In this short language tutorial, learn how to ask, "Does the price include breakfast?" to your waiter, which translates to "Czy to cena ze sniadaniem?"
Hey ladies! On your trip to Poland, learn how to ask those cute Polish guys out on date with a variety of phrases and questions taught in this video. A situational conversation lesson, learn how to say the following in the Polish language: "Shall we go to the swimming pool?", "Have you got a map?", "Let's meet at the bus stop" and more.
Attention men! Looking to pick up a cute Polish women on your trip to Poland? Tell her how cute you think she is with help from this language instructional video. Learn how to say "you are cute" in Polish, which translates to "Jestes fajna".
We all can recognize the fact, that vacations involve a lot of eating. For that second helping, learn how to get your waiters attention by learning the word for waiter in Polish... which translates from English to to "kelner".
I scream, you scream... we all scream for ice cream! But how about in Polish? In this video, learn how to say the word for "ice cream" in Polish which translates to "lody".
If there's one thing all countries have in common it's beer as a favorite evening beverage... Especially amongst the male population. In this video, learn how to correctly say the word for "beer" in the Polish language which translates to "piwo".
Incorporate some fruit into your grocery list on your Polish vacation! In this short language tutorial, learn how to correctly pronunciate the word for "fruit" in the Polish language which translates to "owoce".
There's one thing all people of all countries can enjoy... and that's a nice glass of wine! Learn how to say & correctly pronunciate the word for "wine" in the Polish language which translates to "wino".
On your trip to Poland, fit in with the locals and hang out at the local coffee shop... but don't just sit there, order something! In this video, learn how to correctly say, "I'd like to order a coffee" in the Polish language.
It's important to be adventurous and try new things while visiting another country. Try the duck in Poland with help from this language instructional video. Learn how to say "duck" in Polish.
Polish sausage? Are you kidding? If you ever, ever go to Poland, you need to try the sausage! In this video, learn how to say the word "sausage" correctly in the Polish language... the single word that will act as a portal to a world of sensational tastes... and a few extra pounds.
Learn how to say & correctly pronunciate the word "chicken" in the Polish language with help from this short instructional video. On a trip to Poland, it might just come in handy while dining!
Every vacation involves a lot of eating & dining. In this video, you will learn how to say a very important phrase in Polish: "Can I have the bill, please?"
To visit a local deli on your trip to Poland, you of course must first learn the word for "meat"! In this video, learn how to correctly say & pronunciate the word "meat"... The locals will not even recognize the fact you're a visitor!