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In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn how to say the phrase "I don't speak English" in Polish. It is spoken for us in Polish. It is then broken down so we can see that "nie mowie" means "I d ...
In this video, we learn how to say "here you are" in Polish. First, turn your audio up on the screen so you can hear how the speaker is saying each of the different words. You may need to pause it at ...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn how to say a few phrases in Polish. They are shown on the screen in English and Polish. Here are the phrases that are taught: "Don't be afraid." "ni ...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn some basic Polish phrases. The first phrase is "I'd like to make an appointment to see a dentist." In Polish this is "Chce sie umowic na wizyte u dent ...
In this video, we learn how to say basic ordering phrases in Polish: "Menu" & "tea". When watching the video, you need to make sure you practice saying out the words after you hear them spoken. The wo ...
In this video from AbcSchoolOfPolish we learn various phrases that you can use to compliment your partner. The phrases are read out loud in Polish twice and shown on the screen so you can learn them. ...
Have you ever wanted to order coffee in another language? Well if you have, this is the video for you! When watching, make sure your audio is turned up so you can hear exactly how the phrases are said ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say Merry Christmas in Polish. First, you will need to listen to the video while you are watching the words go onto the screen. Practice saying each of the words indi ...
Do you want to ask a girl out but she speaks Polish? If so, this is the right video for you! Turn your speakers up and listen as the speaker will tell you the right phrase to teach you how to ask a gi ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say basic phrases in Polish: "may I use...". Listen to the video and read the text as you practice saying each of these phrases. It's important to get the accent down ...